ADB-TVET Development Project of Baise, China
The project funded by the Asian Development Bank with a total investment of 103.54 million USD, including 50 million USD from Asian Development Bank and 53.54 million from other resources, aims at improvement of TVET quality and capacity and strengthening TVET innovation and relevance in Guangxi province. Our experts participated in assignments comprising conducting tracer study of graduates and employers, curriculum development, design and supervision of construction of academic and living buildings, design and establishment of innovative institute-enterprise cooperation mechanism. 390 enterprises, public institutions and government departments where the graduates mainly work with were traced for 3 consecutive years.
An assessment indicator system consisting of dozens of indicators was established from the perspectives of industry/enterprise's analysis on quality, weight and demand of high-quality talents, relationship between Baise institute and relevant enterprises, and employer' satisfaction on graduates etc. The system created good conditions for smooth project implementation and realizing objectives of the project. 12 new teaching standards and 16 competence-based curricular were developed based on market demand for 12 programs in 7 schools. 10 newly designed buildings including administration, dormitory, stadium, laboratory, etc., were constructed under supervision. 9 innovative learning factories were newly established or expanded adopting the mode of introducing enterprise into the institute.
The learning factories established under the project realize the integration of education and production, teaching/learning environment and real work environment. 149 institute-enterprise cooperation agreements were signed. The implementation of the project improved TVET quality and capacity and enhanced TVET innovation and relevance in Baise. Furthermore, the project contributeto the economic development and enterprise transformation of Baise and built a high-quality, flexible and agile multi-level TVET system.